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Author: mrskjohnson2011

  • So you want to work out?

    If you are considering starting a fitness or diet journey, you’ve come to the right place. I have found a real passion in working out and I’ll tell you that it did NOT come from wanting to lose weight! In fact, I’ve gained weight! But don’t let that scare you, I’ll touch on it later.… Read more

  • “I Think I Need a Drink”…and other thoughts

    Geez. Let me tell you first that this week has been a doozy. You can skip this top part if you don’t care to know the context of my stress… You see, I’m a federal, remote worker. That means that I my career is being targeted in not one, not two, but three different ways.… Read more

  • Hello world!

    Hi there! It’s me, your resident “new blogger”. Thank you for stumbling upon my lowly page…I hope you will stick around for a bit! Here’s a bit about me: I’m mom of 2 gingers, 2 bonus kiddos (one being another ginger), 2 pups, 1 cat, and +/- 8 chickens! My husband and I are both… Read more