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Welcome to our Bible Study section. Here, you will find my favorite books and resource to deepen your understanding of the scriptures.

Explore topics such as biblical interpretation, historical context, and practical application of the Bible’s teachings. Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and discovery.

Prayer Dynamics by Marsha Headley – I have really loved this book on prayer! If you are new to prayer or just need a refresher, this 31 Day study is for you. Marsha covers everything from using scripture to fasting to even speaking in tongues (don’t let that scare you though!).

The 40 Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake – Oh Wendy just speaks to the soul in this book. She really does a great job of capturing how the concept of fasting helps us to draw nearer to God. If you are being held by your addiction to food (or anything else, really!), I highly recommend this book. She also has an active Facebook page. Follow her here!

The Fight for Female by Lisa Bevere – Now this one, I did not see coming! The Hubbs gifted me this for Christmas and I immediately thought, “Of course he would buy be a book like this”. He’s a bit farther into hard core political and religious thoughts of practice than I am. Not that we believe differently, we just utilize different content. However, this is GOOD! I really did not see myself becoming so absorbed in this book. Lisa uses her dream of women petting their cute little dragons as a metaphor throughout this entire book and honestly, it is spot on for what our culture is experiencing right now. If you’ve had a hard time nailing down your views on certain “hard to touch” topics, Lisa does a great job of providing spiritual guidance. Lisa’s FB page is here and she connects you to her podcast from there!

Fervent by Priscilla Shirer – This is the PERFECT book for a women’s bible study group. In fact, I read this with my own group at Pathway Church in Foley, AL and it was divine. Priscilla chose the perfect topics to target when creating a battle plan for prayer. This book really kicked off a new way of prayer for me! Also, if you’ve never seen “War Room“, get you a box of tissues and WATCH IT!

Say Goodbye to What Holds You Back by Krissy Nelson – Hmm…didn’t know I needed this one, but here we are! God had been dropping nuggets for me, hinting at starting to write in different capacities. I just randomly picked this up in the book store and had no idea what I was getting into. It looked good so I went with it (Yes, judged that book by its cover!). When I got home I realized I had a SIGNED COPY…how cool!!! I jumped right in and realized there was some divine intervention in the selection of this book. Krissy does an amazing job of identifying the walls that hold us back from the plans God has ready for us! She identifies the wall and the trap that is set for us then helps you to knock that wall right down. In this no excuses book, you might just find the courage for your next adventure! (Also, she’s from the gulf coast of Alabama too!)

Let’s Get Real by Polly Herrin – Again, another book that is perfect for a women’s bible study group. Honestly, get your teenage daughters in on this one too. I laughed. I cried. I highlighted. I underlined. I bent, broke, and prodded! This book changed my soul! This book forged bonds with the women I read it with!! In a culture where we are constantly labeled by what people see and feel about us, Polly get’s REAL with what God KNOWS about us! Also, she’s a great speaker so if you ever get the chance to see her live, DO IT!